Thursday, November 29, 2018

Education Higher Ups Running for Cover #expatlife

Wonderful development. Finally, some progress.

Directors Resigning in Fear or Disgust?

It is necessary for the public to also see their assets because it is not so easy to topple the powerful and connected elite. Also, the situation we are in now demands drastic measures.

Perhaps, whoever designed this public declaration of assets idea is quite clever and this is the actual result he was hoping for...

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Friday, November 23, 2018

Most Interesting Interview Ever Recorded #expatlife

I found this article today about bugs in space.


First learned about the idea of bacteria and organisms in outer space and some of the reasons for them from James Horak. Originally, I learned of James through the Kevin Smith podcast out of Thailand. Kevin is not with us anymore, but James sure is...

This is the link to the 4 part series of the most fascinating, enlightening and engaging interview ever recorded:

A Refined Cosmology to Address Cosmic Anomaly



Thursday, November 22, 2018

Bizarre Russian Visa #expatlife

There must be more to this story. Why sell a visa when they are so easy to get? I assume they are much longer than tourist visas or they are multiple entry visas for businessmen?

What else is going on here? Such an interesting story.

The Visa process here is currently being unraveled and updated which is very good news because it is extremely confusing.

Russian Consul Charged

Monday, November 12, 2018

Ganja Money Battles Rage #expatlife

As the legalization of ganja draws near the different groups fight for little slices of the ganja pie.

This will continue for the next year or so as the winners and losers align.

Sadly, this process may go down the usual road and end up another heavily regulated, controlled and unprofitable crop for most aka rice, corn, cassava, and so on...

But, at least it will be legal and available and Thais can begin unraveling their social taboos. In the end it will be a positive step socially as people question their old belief systems and allow new ideas to seep in.

Great article to get you up to speed.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Education Slump #expatlife

Weaponizing Education

A lot of people will disagree with me, but I do not believe there is a conspiracy in Thailand to indoctrinate children through the education system. Maybe once a long time ago, but no more. Could there be discrimination among class systems? Of course.

I feel most Thai teachers truly believe in the values of their society and have a genuine, even enthusiastic desire to teach children.

You don't know what you don't know.

Yes, there are classes and class differences. Is it realistic to teach children from rural villages western ideals about freedom and opportunity? I don't know. This is the kind of reality they deal with below:


I know quite a few young education majors and they are smart, worldly, critical thinkers. One example, a woman named, Sai, is one of the smartest, mature young women I have ever met. She is fluent in English, she reads, she is comfortable with other cultures, new ideas, critical analysis.

She passed her tests, she has her degree. Now what? Waiting list. Up to 3 years before she can get a job assignment! Ridiculous. What is she supposed to do? Watch Netflix for 3 years? Of course not. She has to find job and move on with her life. 

The problem here is rules, systems, bureaucracy, power systems that will not bend or adapt to a new world.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Facebook Dating #expatlife

Facebook plans to roll out a dating app in Asia only for now. Thais love Facebook.

Facebook Dating

I am sure it will be a huge success as FB has about 46 million registered users in LOS.

FB is part of day to day life. They do not really use it to chat or make calls- even for business (Line is for that), but rather as a photo and commenting source, usually about family.

Dating and family are intimately connected here so a connection might be inevitable.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Adapt or Fail #expatlife

Universities Warned

These are radical suggestions for a Thai bureaucrat. Things must be insanely serious:

Closing down and merging of universities.

Changing BA programs from 4 to 2 years.

Online classes.

Reducing the number of graduates from Social Sciences by 25%!

No help from the government.

The 10 Industries where Growth will Occur:

They are: Next – Generation Automotive; Smart Electronics; Affluent, Medical and Wellness Tourism; Agriculture and Biotechnology; Food for the Future; Robotics; Aviation and Logistics; Biofuels and Biochemicals; Digital; and Medical Hub. 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Thailand Scores Low in English Proficiency... #expatlife

EF EPI English Proficiency Index

It's out for 2018 and Thailand's rank is even lower this year. Interesting also is the difference between Bangkok and Isaan is quite small.

Quote from page 4: "Societies that speak English are more open, less hierarchical..."

A catch-22 as the hierarchical nature of Thai society is one of the reasons English proficiency is so low. Apply the hierarchical mindset to education and you do not get stellar results.

Of course, the English language, in the report, coincides with many trends: quality of life, jobs, innovation, economy, etc...

European countries are steadily moving in chunks to the higher proficiency bands while our Thailand is moving down.

Singapore, PI and Malaysia remain at the top.

Finally, an age gap has emerged: all Asian groups over 20 years old posted declines.

You moved to Hua Hin, Chiang Mai, Bangkok or Pattaya and you are now an expat enjoying all it has to offer. You know what I mean. You m...